Growing E Commerce Business

We frequently go to Walmart either to buy something or to check out if there are any new arrivals.

I and my spouse were looking for a rice cooker. We were skeptical about brands and were undecided about which one to buy. I can say we spent more than 15-20 mins in that particular section.

There was one more couple looking for some electronic item in the same section. The person came and introduced himself to my husband and asked about the return policy. I am sure everyone in the world knows the return policy of Walmart ( I would have walked to the customer service counter if I really dont know the return policy,). My husband was pretty straight forward in telling how does it work. Then the conversation grew and in between when my husband asked him "what do you do?". The answer was "I work for .... company and I do have a e-commerce business".

Guys, there lies the catch why the conversation was endless, "E-commerce".

I have come across such incidents every time I go to Walmart. Last Sunday we were looking for a shoe rack and we were not sure which section has shoe racks. I noticed a couple who came behind us for more than 10 mins looking for an opportunity to initiate a talk and finally said "hi, how are you". We had to literally avoid them.

There are lot of people who are into selling different types of products. It has become a very fast moving business. I am not aware of how exactly it works. Talking to people who are into this business is like getting hooked.

Honestly, I am not against any of these. Its individual interest to opt it or not. However, I am not okay with the way they approach. Now, every Indian I meet, I have a suspicious pair of eyes to look at them.

One of our family friend who was new to this place, overheard a couple speaking in konkani. Since our friend belongs to the same community, he thought of extending his hand for friendship. Surprisingly, the couple started ignoring our friend and did not bother to talk. I guess, they thought our friend was also one among those "E-Commerce Businessmen" :)

1 Comment:

Twisted DNA said...

Lol. Your experience and post are very much in line with my experience and post :D

Welcome to the blogworld :)

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